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Title: Search for B Y 4260 k decay with belle detector at KEK B factory
Researcher: Renu
Guide(s): Singh, J.B. and Bhardwaj, Vishal
Keywords: Accelerator
Experimental High Energy
Particle Physics
Standard Model
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Search for the exotic charmonium-like state, Y (4260), is carried in B and#8594; Y (4260)K decay using the full 711fband#8722;1 and#978;(4S) data accumulated by the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric e +e and#8722; collider situated at KEK, Japan. In absence of significant signal, we provided the world s best upper limit on the branching fraction (Band#8594;Y(4260) K). The result is published in the international peer reviewed journal PRD as Rapid Communication. Sensitivity study to test for Lepton Flavor Universality (LFU) in the B+and#8594;K+and#960; +and#960; and#8722; and#8467; + and#8467; and#8722; decay mode via precise measurement of the RKand#960;and#960; (ratio of branching fraction of B+and#8594;K+and#960;+and#960;and#8722;and#956;+and#956;and#8722; and B+and#8594;K+and#960;+and#960;and#8722;e +e and#8722; ) is also carried at the Belle. newline
Pagination: xxxii, 202p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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