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Title: Secondary metabolites production through in vitro regenerated plants of Lawsonia inermis L a multipurpose plant
Researcher: Moharana, Arpita
Guide(s): Barik, Durga P. and Naik, Soumendra K.
Keywords: biochemical
Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology
Life Sciences
University: Ravenshaw University
Completed Date: 2017
Abstract: Lawsonia inermis L. belonging to family Lythraceae is popularly known as newlineHenna or Mehendi. The plant is famous for its multipurpose uses in cosmetic, newlinepharmaceutical and dyeing industries. Recently, the demand of raw plant material in newlinethese industries is increasing due to resurgence of the use of herbal products by people. newlineHence, immediate attention is required to scale up the production of this valuable newlinemultipurpose plant. Conventional propagation methods of stem cuttings and seeds in L. newlineinermis are time consuming and also not preferred due to pest and disease problems. On newlinethe other hand, propagation through tissue culture techniques has potential for rapid newlinemultiplication of desired plant with similar genetic and biochemical make up within a newlineshort period of time. Rapid and efficient plant regeneration protocols and subsequent newlineassessment of genetic and biochemical fidelity of the micropropagated plant is lacking newlinein L. inermis. newline
Pagination: All Pages
Appears in Departments:Department of Biotechnology

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