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Title: Studies on Surface Coatings in Buildings for Health Care
Researcher: Milind Manikrao Darade
Guide(s): Satish Raya Pawaskar and S.H.Pawar
Keywords: Multidisciplinary
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Physical Sciences
University: D Y Patil University, Kolhapur
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Microorganisms are common in newlinethe environment and breed on most newlineplane surfaces which furnish nutrients newlineand water. Mainly the funguses are newlineexpected organisms to grow up while, newlinebacteria and viruses will stay alive on newlinedry surfaces for some instances. newlineTherefore, it is necessary to develop newlineantimicrobial or antifungal paint to newlinecombat such kind of problems which newlineprotects from infectious diseases; newlinetherefore, antimicrobial surface newlinecoating paints have been developed for newlinetheir ability to keep surfaces hygienic newlinein the health industry. By interpreting newlinethe endurance of the current situation newlinehere we have prepared some of the newlineimportant antimicrobial surface newlinecoating paints which can beneficial for newlinethe hospitals as well as clinical interior newlinewalls that protect from bacterial and newlinefungal infections. newlineThe paint samples were newlineprepared by the varying percentile newlinemixture of titanium dioxide newlinenanoparticles (TiO2 powder) in the newlinewhite colour base oil paint. The newlineantibacterial activities on paint were newlinetested against gram-positive S.aureus, newlineB.subtilis, and gram-negative E.coli, S. newlineTyphi bacterial strains with the newlinestandard drug by different methods. newlineSimilarly, antifungal activities were newlinetested against A. niger and A.oryzae newlinefungal strains with the standard drug newlineby different methods. The newlinepotentialities for the fungus in dry and newlinewet condition were tested. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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