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Title: Effect of workplace spirituality on leadership job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour in selected private manufacturing firms of chhattisgarh state
Researcher: Sahu, K K
Guide(s): Pathak, AK and Dubey, P
Keywords: Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
Social Work
University: Dr. C.V. Raman University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The present study examines the effect of workplace spirituality on leadership, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of managerial employees working at different selected private manufacturing firms of Chhattisgarh state. This study is to explain the effect of workplace spirituality on the criterion variables. The present study contains five chapters, namely: - newlineChapter-I is the introductory chapter which explains the significance of employees in the organisations and their continuing effort for sustainable growth. It also describes to how spirituality has become important aspect for today s organisations via introducing Chhattisgarh state s manufacturing environment including the introduction of studied manufacturing firms. In the end, it consists motivation for this research and statement of research problem. It also includes conceptual framework, research objectives and hypothesis, operational definitions, and delimitations of the study.
Appears in Departments:Department of Management

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