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Title: Emotional Support Focused Nurse Directed Intervention to Alleviate Stress and Intensify Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients
Researcher: K Sampoornam
Guide(s): C Susila
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Breast cancer women need emotional supportive intervention. They newlineshould be allowed to talk on illness related issues, reactions and also to newlineexpress anxiety, fear and despair. Negative senses of emotions are usually newlinereported by verbal, non verbal and narrative communication. Emotional newlinesupport should be given during the entire phase of cancer diagnosis and newlinetreatment. Written emotional disclosure improves physical and psychological newlineadaptation in breast cancer. Home based emotional expressive writing in newlinebreast cancer patients suggested accessibility, availability and utility. Nurse newlineled telephone support should have appropriate timing, feasibility and remote newlineaccessible connection for breast cancer patients in contemporary scenario. newline newlineThere are many ways to express emotional impact of breast cancer. newlineFamily and friends can support during the treatment of breast cancer. Support newlinegroups either face to face or online reported significant decreased depression, newlineincreased life span, convinced attitude towards illness. Emotionally breast newlinecancer women faced tough time, challenge during and after treatment and newlineconcerned about changes in physical, psychological and social well being. newlineStudies are inadequate with different methods of emotional support on newlinestress and quality of life for breast cancer women in India. Lack of research newlinework on comparison of different modes of emotional support on stress and newlinequality of life initiated to conduct the present study, furthermore retrieving newlineevidence based practise in nursing and to fill existing research gap. The focus newlineof this present research lay on comparison of different modes of emotional newlinesupport through verbal, written, telephone basis on stress and quality of life in newlinebreast cancer patients. It is explicitly important for psychiatric nurses to take newlinean active role in endowing and exercising emotional support intervention to newlineaid breast cancer patients in stress adaptation and betterment in quality of life. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Nursing

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