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dc.description.abstractIn the process of education, teacher plays the biggest role. So, the teacher must be quite effective to accomplish the goal of education. The teacher effectiveness is likely to be influenced by many factors. School Organizational Climate and Administrative Behaviour of the school heads could be two of such factors. Therefore in the present study the teacher effectiveness is studied in relation these two factors. 60 Government Schools from three districts viz. Solan, Una and Bilaspur from Himachal Pradesh state were taken up for the study. A sample of 350 teachers at secondary level and all the 60 school heads was drawn from these schools. Three tools were used; (i) Teacher Effectiveness scale by Umme Kulsum (2000). (ii) School Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire by M.L. Sharma (1978). (iii) Administrative Behaviour Scale by Haseen Taz (1998). The results of the study showed that (i) Different types of school organizational climate existed in different schools. Controlled type of school organizational climate was the most prevalent in the schools. (ii) Teacher effectiveness of teacher teaching in urban schools was found to be significantly higher than that of teachers teaching in rural schools. (iii) No significant difference was found in the teacher effectiveness between male and female teachers. (iv) The teacher effectiveness significantly differed in schools with different types of school organizational climate. The mean teacher effectiveness score was highest in case of open school organizational climate. (v) There was a significant difference in the administrative behaviour of school heads across different school organizational climate. (vi) Administrative Behaviour had a significant and positive effect on the teacher effectiveness.en_US
dc.titleA study of teacher effectiveness in relation to school organizational climate and administrative behaviour of school heads of Himachal Pradeshen_US
dc.subject.keywordTeacher Effectivenessen_US
dc.subject.keywordschool organizational climateen_US
dc.subject.keywordschool headsen_US
dc.subject.keywordHimachal Pradeshen_US
dc.description.noteBibliography p.224-242en_US
dc.contributor.guideSandhu, Paramjit Kauren_US
dc.publisher.universityPunjabi Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Education and Community Serviceen_US
Appears in Departments:Department of Education & Community Service

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