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Title: Semiotic Universe of Selected Plays of Satish Alekar and Swaraj Bir
Researcher: Kaur, Sapanpreet
Guide(s): Kaur, Ramanpreet
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
University: Central University of Punjab
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The present research work intends to do the semiotic analysis of the following plays: newlineThe Terrorist and Dynasts by Satish Alekar and Dharam Guru and Krishan by Swaraj newlineBir. The semiotic analysis of these selected texts helps us to understand the texts at newlineform and content level along with their socio-cultural background and the newlinepsychological impact they create. This research project is more than analysing a text newlinelinguistically attempts to include the aesthetic value of the verbal art and helps the newlinereaders to explore the imaginary world created by the author. The selected plays newlinepenned down by Satish Alekar represent the frustrations and aspirations of common newlinepeople in the most bizarre way. The Terrorist and Dynasts raise the issues like newlineunemployment, frustration among jobless youths, corruption and moral disregard in newlinethe familial relations. The solution to the mentioned problems is often found in the most newlinedevastated world of terrorism and corruption. In this way, the plays act as mirrors to newlinethe present-day society, which is turning sombre day by day. On the other hand, the newlineplays penned down by Swaraj Bir, Dharam Guru and Krishan present politics as the newlineworld of conspiracies impacted by political power where there is no hearing to the newlineproblems of common man. In order to present these issues, the playwright goes back newlinein time, chooses appropriate mythological story of Trishanku from Ramayana and newline Khandavadaha incident from Mahabharata to show strives to stay in power is a newlineprimitive custom. The semiotic reading of all the understudied plays prevents us to newlinetake the raw reality (words, phrases and dialogues) in the texts to be treated directly. newlineThere are various cultural references to the particular rituals, symbolism in the names newlineof characters, symbolic portrayal of the characters, enunciations overshadowed with newlinev newlinepolitical, religious, historical discourses, passing references to prominent political newlineevents like Babri mosque demolition, article 370, the exodus of Kashmiri pandits, newlinemurder of M
Appears in Departments:Department of Comparative Literature

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