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dc.description.abstractThe study entitled Dalit Renaissance in Cochin: An Affirmative Action of newlineSubaltern Social Mobilization is an attempt to analyse the historical importance of newlineDalit Social Movements in Cochin, one among the provincial states of Kerala which newlinecovering a period of 49 years from 1900 to 1949. Dalits of Cochin were the victims newlineof several social atrocities of caste ridden society. By the beginning of 20th century newlinethe lower caste peoples of Cochin became conscious about their civil liberties and newlinestarted to be organised themselves. During this period they formed organizations newlineresistance movements against the social evils practiced in Cochin. Some eminent newlineleaders like Pandit K. P. Karuppan, Krishnethy Asan, P. C. Chanchan, K. P. Vallon, newlineP. K. Chathan, K. Kochukuttan, Dakshayani Velayudhan, K. K. Kannan and newlineSahodaran Ayyappan etc. worked for the emancipation of downtrodden people of newlineCochin. The leaders of this movements tried to organize campaign among the newlineoutcastes. Such activities could help them to create a consciousness about the unity newlineamong the downtrodden people. Through the organized protest movements, Dalits of newlineCochin succeeded to capture a position in the society partially. As far as the history newlineof Cochin is concerned, the period from 1900 to 1949 is an era of social newlinetransformation of Dalit communities of the state. The Dalit movement of Cochin can newlinebe divided into two phases. First phase is starting from 1900 and ends with 1924. newlineThis is a period of the formation of caste associations, mobilizations, and mass newlinecampaigns. The second phase started from 1925, and it was an opening of newlinesubaltern s intervention in the Legislative Council of the Cochin State and relentless newlinestruggle for constitutional reforms and rights. It is analyzing the ameliorative newlinemeasures taken by the government owing to the effective participation of Dalits for newlinetheir awakening. As part of the establishment of civil rights and constitutional newlinereforms, the government of Cochin State also extended its support to the Dalits and newlinetheir efforts to a certain extent by providing possible assistance. newline
dc.titleDalit Renaissance in Kochi An Affirmative Action of Subaltern Social Mobilization
dc.creator.researcherVinayan M C
dc.subject.keywordArts and Humanities
dc.subject.keywordArts and Recreation
dc.contributor.guideE N Lakshmanan
dc.publisher.universitySree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of History
Appears in Departments:Department of history

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