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Title: Comparative evaluation of wound irrigation on the healing outcome in diabetic foot ulcers
Researcher: M Jayalakshmi
Guide(s): Thenmozhi P
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
University: Saveetha University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Chronic lower extremity ulcers do not progress through the healing newlineprocess in a timely manner and have become a major challenge to healthcare newlinesystems worldwide. The overall mortality rates indicate the high burden of newlineDFU in under developed and developing countries with long duration of newlinehospitalization and high percentage of the amputations.DFU clearly pose a newlinerisk to the health and well-being of the sufferer. Therefore, the need for early newlinedetection and treatment of DFU is very important in the coming years in newlinereducing the complication and from possible amputations. The person suffers newlinesubstantial disruption leading to morbidity, and indirect costs to social and newlinehealthcare systems. Considering conventional healthcare approach to wound care, individuals with chronic wounds often experience significant financial burden due to prolonged periods of treatment requiring newlinedressings. Improving health care and making affordable health services newlineavailable are one of the most important challenges for nurses. newlineThe aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of newlineneem leaves extract with normal saline irrigation practice in wound dressing newlineon healing outcome in diabetic foot ulcers.conclusion of the research newlinework which revealed that that there was significant improvement in the wound newlinehealing. Dressing of DFU using neem solution proves to be the effective newlinemeasures in healing the ulcer. Also, it speeds up the healing process of the newlineulcer. In every aspect, healing effect was observed in variables such as newlinewound area, tissue type of ulcer, exudate of ulcer and the wound healing newlinescore ..Number of individuals acheiving and#8805; 50% wound area reduction was newlinefound higher in control group when compared with traditional normal saline newlineirrigation. This study concludes that neem extract solution is promising, easy newlineto prepare and forms a natural wound care management of DFU. It is also newlinefound that this solution is very safe as it does not cause any complication newlinesystematically during the study of 4 weeks.
Appears in Departments:Department of Nursing

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