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Title: Study on Effect of Selected Organochlorine Pesticides on Biochemical Reproductive Haematological and Respiratory Aspects of Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus 1758
Researcher: T. Shivalingu
Guide(s): Jaybhaye U. M.
Keywords: Life Sciences
Plant and Animal Science
University: Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. (Cyprinidae), is a very important staple fish generally found in rivers, ponds, and reservoirs. Dieldrin and Methoxychlor are extensively used organochloride insecticide for agricultural crops. Hence the current study was undertaken to evaluate the aquatic toxicity of Dieldrin and Methoxychlor with special emphasis on biochemical, reproductive, haematological and respiratory performance of the carp exposed to sublethal concentrations of commercial grade Dieldrin and Methoxychlor. newlineExperiments were conducted to determine the acute toxicity of Dieldrin and Methoxychlor at different concentrations. Taking into consideration of the fact that the effect of two pesticides on fish becomes consistent with 96h of exposure for LC50 (2.3 and#956;g/L) of Dieldrin and Methoxychlor was taken as lethal concentration to study the biochemical (protein, carbohydrates and lipids in gills, liver and brain) responses of the fish, haematological alterations, reproductive alterations and respiratory alterations. newlineAs the levels of Dieldrin and Methoxychlor, the toxicant, grew, so did the rate of mortality. In control fish, total protein, carbohydrate and lipids content was comparatively more in liver, followed by brain and gills. The total protein content decreased significantly in gills (plt0.01), liver (plt0.01) and brain (plt0.001) of fishes after exposure of Dieldrin and Methoxychlor as compared to the corresponding group of control animals. Carbohydrate content decreased significantly in gills (plt0.001), liver (plt0.01) and brain (plt0.05) after exposure of newlineii newlineDieldrin and Methoxychlor as compared to the corresponding group of control animals. Lipid content decreased significantly in liver (plt0.001), gills and brain (plt0.01) and brain after exposure of Dieldrin and Methoxychlor as compared to the corresponding group of control animals. There was found no significant change in the ovarian weight until 7 days of the pesticide treatment. The decrease in the weight of ovary was observed only on day 7 in pesticide
Pagination: 180p
Appears in Departments:Department of Zoology

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