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Title: Emergence of New Nigerian Woman in Select Fiction of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Sefi Atta A Comparative Study
Researcher: Shinde Balaji Raosaheb
Guide(s): Chikhalikar Rajpalsingh Satyajit
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
University: Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Literature is the mirror of social change where we learn about women s place within it. newlineNigerian third-generation women writers like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Sefi newlineAtta have bolstered the country s literary dialogue in the twenty-first century. Adichie newlineand Atta embark on writing about their experiences at the turn of the 21st century, as newlinethey grew up in a turbulent Nigerian past with a horrifying impact of postcolonialism newlineand Nigerian Civil war on them which is reflected in their writings. The present study newlineexplores and analyses the selected novels of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie s Purple newlineHibiscus, Half of a Yellow Sun, and Americanah and Sefi Atta s Everything Good Will newlineCome, Swallow and A Bit of Difference. Protagonists in these novels empower newlinethemselves through rethinking and emerge as New Women. Moreover, this study newlineexamined the identity of women s exploitation, gender bias, racism, suppression, and newlinetheir subjugation conditions that sometimes reduce women to mental wrecks. The newlineresearch has been consciously and methodically premeditated into five chapters. This newlineorderly organization facilitates the research to attain ease of reading, systematic newlineexplication, and a comprehensive understanding of the emergence of the new woman newlinein the novels of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Sefi Atta. newlineThe research study begins with literature review, an outline history of Africa, newlineAfrican literature at a glance and African feminism. It also presents the images of newlineNigerian women in the family and Nigerian women writing in English literature. It newlineportrays the colonial and post-colonial condition of Nigerian society and the major newlineliterary works of postcolonial Nigerian writers are discussed. It also presents the brief newlinebiography of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Sefi Atta and emerging New Woman in newlinemodern Nigerian fiction. newlineThis study elucidates the concepts like black feminism, intersectional feminism, newlineradical feminism, and women empowerment. It also focuses on Nigerian cultural newlinestructure and African women in globalization in brief. Moreover,
Pagination: 311
Appears in Departments:Department of English

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