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dc.description.abstractDespite recent advances in health care, inadequate wound newlinemanagement and development of secondary infections leading to increased newlinemorbidity is still a major public health problem in the world, especially in newlinedeveloping countries. Hence, wound management still remains an important newlinefocus of researchers (Aljady et al, 2000; Braiman-Wiksman et al, 2007). newlineWound healing is affected by several factors including nutrition, vitamins, newlinehormones, oxygen and environmental factors (Bowler, 2002; Brolmann et al, newline2012). Over the course of history, natural compounds and herbal drugs were newlinethe typical bases used in some cases. They were considered as treatment newlineand were often packaged, marketed and distributed through the newlinepharmaceutical industry (Linden et al, 2014; Dorai, 2012). A trend is there that newlineencourages the use of herbs and natural ingredients because of their minimal newlineside effects (Dunphy et al, 1955; Sivamani et al, 2012). Based on newlinenanotechnology, diagnosis and treatment approaches are excellent newlineopportunity to target the complexity of the normal wound-healing process. newlineConceptually, cutaneous wound healing has major advantages for use of newlinenanotherapeutics. It requires topical delivery, can be multifactorial and celltype newlinespecific, and the therapeutic agent is used for a limited time or until the newlinewound has healed (Smiell et al, 1999; Veves et al, 2001; Driver et al, 2003; newlineMarston et al, 2003). There is an increase in the medical application of newlinenanoparticles in the process of wound healing without any side effects (Ziv- newlinePolat et al, 2010). Hence there is a need to order to the benefit of newlinenanoparticles of silver, gold and polyethylene glycon with honey in the wound newlinehealing. The aim of this present study is to evaluate the wound healing efficacy newlineof multifloral honey combinaton with silver nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles newlineand polyethylene glycol nanoparticles in experimentally infected wounds in newlineWistar rats.This study demonstrated the efficacy of multifloral newlinehoney mixed with silver nanoparticles in wound healing.
dc.titleComparative study of silver gold and polyethylene glycol nanoparticles in combination with honey on experimentally infected wound in Wistar rats
dc.creator.researcherNeeraja Rani Guruvu
dc.subject.keywordClinical Medicine
dc.subject.keywordClinical Pre Clinical and Health
dc.subject.keywordIntegrative and Complementary Medicine
dc.contributor.guideBandaru Narasinga Rao
dc.publisher.universitySaveetha University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Pharmacology
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmacology

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