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Title: Design and performance analysis of Some novel code families for SAC OCDMA communication systems
Researcher: Malleswari M
Guide(s): Murugesan K
Keywords: Multi user interference
Optical code division multiple access
Phase induced intensity noise
spectral amplitude coding optical
Upload Date: 17-Feb-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/10/2014
Abstract: Optical code division multiple access OCDMA is a novel kind newlineof spread spectrum technology in the field of optical communication research newlineIt combines the large bandwidth capacity of the fiber medium with the newlinefeatures of a CDMA technique to achieve high speed connectivity It has newlinebecome attractive due to major advantages like asynchronous access newlinecapability security against eavesdropping protection against jamming newlineprovision for adding more users simplified network control and management newlineand the possibility of multimedia traffic However theoretical analysis of newlineOCDMA systems has shown that multi user interference MUI is the main newlinereason for performance degradation especially when large number of users is newlineinvolved newlineOne of the coding scheme called spectral amplitude coding newlineoptical CDMA SAC OCDMA systems is now receiving much attention newlinebecause MUI can be eliminated when codes with fixed in phase crosscorrelation newline IPCC are used as address sequences Nevertheless, such systems newlineexhibit inherent phase induced intensity noise PIIN due to spontaneous newlineemission of the broadband source that severally affects the overall system newlineperformance To suppress it the value of IPCC should be kept as small as newlinepossible Therefore the codes with ideal IPCC become attractive In the newlineliterature a number of codes were proposed for SAC OCDMA newlinecommunication systems so far newline newline
Pagination: xx, 120p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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