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Title: A Study on Administration of Selected Hospitals with Special Reference to Behaviour of Customers in Chhattisgarh
Researcher: Satish Kumar Sahu
Guide(s): Pushkar Dubey
Keywords: Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Pt. Sundarlal Sharma Open University Bilaspur
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The present study is assessing the direct and mediating relationship between service quality on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and perceived value at health care industry of Chhattisgarh State. this study is to conclude the effects of five magnitudes on service quality of hospitals. The research study has been presented in six different chapters: newlineChapter-I is an introductory chapter which describes on the healthcare opportunities in the country with their administrative features. The role of government initiatives and scheme have been duly highlighted in the chapter, providing sketch on classification of Indian hospital. The last part of the chapter presents broad overview of service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and perceived value. newlineChapter-II at the chapter brief presentation of the previous work done on relationship between variables hospital administration, perceived value, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Indian and international studies is duly presented. newlineChapter-III deals with research methods adopted in the current study. It presents the conceptual framework, objectives of the study, hypotheses, population of the study, research design and sampling, sampling technique, method of data collection, instruments used in the study, and demographic profile of the respondents. newlineChapter- IV presents the theoretical construction of tool along with empirical validation of the constructs. Questionnaire administered. newlineChapter-V deals with result and interpretation of data of the proposed models of the study. A total of six research objective with twenty-six hypotheses have been tested by using tools like Smart PLS, GPower and SPSS. newlineChapter-VI comprises findings and discussion of the study. The chapter concludes the research work and at the end scope for future research and study, limitations have been presented. newline newline
Pagination: All Pages
Appears in Departments:Department of Management

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