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Title: Intervention Strategies to Improve the Nutritional Status and Cognitive Function in Undernourished Children 6 to 12 Years
Researcher: Anitha R
Guide(s): Raajeswari Paa
Keywords: Life Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Food Science and Technology
University: Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Under nutrition is a multi-dimensional issue in India. It impacts health, cognitive development and subsequently affects the educational achievement of the school children. The present study was planned to assess the risks of undernutrition on cognitive function of public and private school children (6- 12 years) and to assess the impact of intervention strategies to improve the nutritional status and cognitive function in undernourished children. About 600 school children were recruited for the study. Information pertaining to socio-demographic profile, economic status, nutritional status, cognitive function and academic activities were collected. The children were assessed for their nutritional status with appropriate measurement tools. The cognitive function of the children was assessed through Ravan s Coloured Progressive Matrices scale, academic marks and attendance percentage. The mother s Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding child nutrition were assessed. The prevalence of undernutrition among total children in the present study was stunting (17.7%), underweight (28.1%) and thinness (27.1%). The state of undernourishment was more among public school children (stunting 28.6%, underweight 43.6%, thinness 37.7%) than private school children comparatively. Public school children secured less RCPM total scores than private school children. Hence, the selected undernourished children in public school were given the formulated health mix using the potentially rich source of nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc, selenium and Brahmi leaves along with nutrition and health education to their mothers using the developed PNEP for the period of three months. The present intervention study results revealed that the selected children in the Experimental Group II who received health mix supplementation along with health and nutrition education improved overall nutritional status and cognitive function statistically than Experimental Group I and Control Group. Hence the effective intervention programs and other
Pagination: 232 p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Food Science and Nutrition

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