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Title: Construction and standardization of sports loafing scale
Researcher: Monga, Rajni
Guide(s): Dalwinder Singh
Keywords: Construction
Sports Loafing
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to construct and standardise the sports loafing scale. The total sample consists of five hundred and twenty three (N=523) subjects selected randomly from different sports disciplines for the collection of data. The age of the subjects was ranged between 16 to 40 years. The data was collected in two phases. In the first phase, experts were chosen from various sports domains i.e. physical education teachers, professors, sports psychologists and coaches from various team games as well as international players from India and abroad. Further, in the second stage athletes were selected randomly from national level tournaments and inter-university championships, which were held in U.T. Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. Validity and Reliability were established for all test items. Principal factor analysis technique was used to construct Sports Loafing Scale. Through the Factor Analysis technique and Content Validity Ratio, final two factors namely; 1) Inter-relationship domain and 2) Intra-relationship domain were selected to construct the present Sports Loafing Scale. All the 55-items have been retained in the present scale which had factor loading gt0.3. These items have been divided in two final factors as obtained from the Principal factor analysis. Cronbach s Alpha was applied to establish the reliability of the test items. The reliability coefficient was 0.85. Norms have been developed for selected test items from the whole sample (523 subjects). Cronbach s Alpha was applied to establish the reliability of 55-items Cronbach s alpha coefficient was 0.85 which determined the internal consistency of the items in the present scale. Descriptive Statistics i.e. mean standard deviation along with Skewness and kurtosis was applied to check Normal distribution of the 55-items of the present scale. All individual scores of the 55-items were converted as composite score. Finally, grading categories were developed.
Pagination: vi, 212p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Physical Education

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