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dc.coverage.spatialPharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology
dc.description.abstractIn this research food grade oil and waxes for isolation of biolipid fractions. Biolipid fractions have been isolated from several food grade oils obtained from seeds and waxes. The research is an innovative work, with development of nanoemulsions and Solid Lipid Nanoparticles encapsulating therapeutically important peptides such as Lysozyme and Cyclosporine A. Several physicochemical and spectral studies were accomplished to differentiate the isolated biolipids form their parent fractions. Physicochemical variation has been completed by determining color; density and of isolated biolipids. Spectroscopy study of biolipids has been performed. All the biolipids were different from their parent oils and waxes. newline newlineDuring formulation development optimization studies were performed for nano emulsion and Solid lipid nano dispersions development. TPD Diagram has been developed to find a suitable region for nano emulsion development. Different concentrations of oil were mixed with diverse concentrations of water and surfactant to establish suitable region in TPD. Optimization for SLN development has been completed using optimization software, where independent variables were investigated. Transmittance at 200 nm and 300 nm were the dependent variables. However, selected formulations were estimated for Particle size to establish our findings. Finally, 192 different nano emulsion and Solid lipid nanoparticle formulations have been developed with 16 isolated biolipids. Developed formulations were examined for dispersibility, spectrally, Zeta potential and Particle size analysis. newline newlineHence, Lysozyme loaded formulations were further screened for their invivo release using antibacterial activity against MTCC 2470. From the results loaded Lysozyme formulations FBL8 and FBL15 were considered as best. Cyclosporine A loaded formulations FBC13 and FOC4 were selected as best formulations. TEM studies of Cyclosporine A loaded nanoemulsions revealed spherical particles with particle size ranging from 30 to 150 nm. newline newline
dc.format.extent246 pages
dc.titleDevelopment and characterization of Biocarriers for Biotechnological Applications
dc.creator.researcherBhargava, Samir
dc.subject.keywordBiochemical Research Methods
dc.subject.keywordBiology and Biochemistry
dc.subject.keywordLife Sciences
dc.contributor.guideMadhav, Satheesh, N.V.; Ahmad, Yusra
dc.publisher.universityUttarakhand Technical University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Pharmacy
dc.format.dimensions25 cm *20 cm *5 cm
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmacy

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