Department of Statistics : [53] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 53
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
24-Apr-2024A Study of Some Inference Problems in Reliability using Quantiles StatisticsNandurbarkar, Vyomesh PrahladShanubhogue, Ashok
24-Apr-2024A Study of Some Inference Problems in Reliability using Quantiles StatisticsNandurbarkar Vyomesh PrahladShanubhogue, Ashok
10-Aug-2023Life Test Acceptence Sampling Plans Using Various Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Statistics and Time Censoring SchemesChristian, Sanjay EarnestRaykundaliya, Darmesh P.and Divecha, Jyoti M.
12-Feb-2020Tests for a parameter of interest in the presence of a nuisance parameter under various censored sampling schemesDesai, Rajendra. G.Shanubhogue, Ashok.
19-Sep-2019Some improved ratio regression type estimators in twophase sampling in presence of two auxiliary variablesShah, Fagun. H.Patel, P. A.
9-May-2017On estimation of a Finite population total under PPS sampling when extra auxiliary information is availableShah Shraddha CPatel Praful A
21-Apr-2017Frailty models in univariate bivariate and mixture distributionsSinojiya Ankit RShanubhogue Ashok
19-Apr-2017Response Surface Designs Revisited For Enhancing Effectiveness In Experiments With Qualitative Quantitative FactorsTarapura Bharatkumar MDivecha Jyoti
2-Jan-2017Construction analysis and characterization of balanced crossover designs for carryover modelsGondaliya Jigneshkumar JayantilalDivecha Jyoti
13-Jul-2016The Political social and economic conditions of northern india during the first half of the seventh century A DDharaiya, R KTiwari, R G
13-Jul-2016Asvins in the rgvedaMajumdar, RaniKapadia, BH
13-Jul-2016Treatment of alamkaras in rasagangadharaphukla, ChitraKapadia, B H
13-Jul-2016Pragmatic aspect of the brhat samhita of varahamihiraShukla, Dipak DayasankarShukla, Bhaktinath G
13-Jul-2016Dasas philosophy of natureFadia, Padma JKapadia, BH
13-Jul-2016The Political social and economic conditions of northern india during the first half of the seventh century A DDharaiya, R KTiwari, R G
13-Jul-2016Treatment of alamkaras in rasagangadharaphukla, ChitraKapadia, B H
13-Jul-2016Pragmatic aspect of the brhat samhita of varahamihiraShukla, Dipak DayasankarShukla, Bhaktinath G
13-Jul-2016Treatment of alamkaras in rasagangadharaphukla, ChitraKapadia, B H
13-Jul-2016Pragmatic aspect of the brhat samhita of varahamihiraShukla, Dipak DayasankarShukla, Bhaktinath G
14-Mar-2016Statistical inference in multivariate modified power series distributionPatel, Shantibhai RanchhodbhaiShah, S M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 53