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Title: Studies on Neuroprotective potential of Withania Somnifera on focal cerebral ischemia
Researcher: Sood, Abhilasha
Guide(s): Sandhir, Rajat
Keywords: Cerebral ischemia
Withania Somnifera
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2016
Abstract: The present study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of presupplementation with hydroalcoholic root extract of Withania Somnifera (WS) in ameliorating behavioural, biochemical and histological changes in MCAO model of ischemic stroke. Male wistar rats weighing 250-300 g were randomly divided into four experimental groups: Control [vehicle group], WS [300 mg/kg body weight, orally for 30 days], MCAO [cerebral ischemia for 90 min, followed by reperfusion for 24 hrs] and MCAO+WS [WS (300 mg/kg body weight) orally for 30 days followed by ischemia reperfusion injury as in MCAO group]. MCAO induced behavioral deficits, biochemical alterations and histological changes were studied in the animals from above mentioned groups. newline
Pagination: x, 201p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Biochemistry

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