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Title: Designing and computational study of antibiofouling polymers based on peptides peptoids
Researcher: Radhika Rani
Guide(s): Nandel, Fateh Singh
Keywords: Antibiofouling polymers
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2016
Abstract: Undesired growth of protein, cell and bacteria adsorption or biofouling poses serious challenges for biomedical devices. Also, attachment and growth of sessile organisms like barnacles and mussels or marine biofouling on artificial structures submerged in sea incur substantial financial implications. To inhibit biofouling, surfaces are grafted/ coated with antibiofouling compounds/polymers and examples found in nature have been source of inspiration in the present study. newline
Pagination: iv, 288p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Biophysics

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