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Title: Effectiveness of empowerment strategies using community participatory approach in prevention of cancer cervix interms of Health Seeking and Risk Reduction Behaviours among women
Researcher: Bharatha Soruba Rani S
Guide(s): Nalini Jeyavantha Santha C and Jeyasingh P
Keywords: Cancer Cervix
Community Participatory Approach
Empowerment Strategies
Health Seeking
Risk Reduction Behaviours
University: The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Completed Date: 2015
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer remains the second leading type of cancer death in women world wide. India ranking 4th place in cervical cancer incidence. It is estimated that 1, 34, 420 new cases and 72, 825 death occurred as a result of cancer cervix. Cumulative life time risk and death risk are about 2.5% and 1.4% respectively for Indian women. High risk HPV strains are recognized as the primary cause of cervical cancer. Furthermore, certain risky behaviour have been shown to increase cervical cancer risk. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To identify the woman who are at risk of developing cancer cervix 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of empowerment strategies in prevention of cancer cervix in terms of desirable changes in knowledge, health seeking and risk reduction behavior. 3. To correlate between post test, knowledge, and post test risk reduction and health seeking behaviour among woman in experimental group. METHODS: True experimental pre test and post test control group design was used for the present study. 5 rural areas of Mana Madurai Block, Sivaganga district was selected by using simple random (Lottery method) technique. Women in the age group of 30-55 years, consented to take part in the study were assessed for their level of risk for cancer cervix by using structured interview schedule on cancer cervix risk tool. Total of 152 women who were at high risk, willing to participate in the study selected as sample. RESULTS: Major findings of the present study is, One fourth of the women (25%) had high risk, while the risk was moderate in as many as 63% and low in only 12% of women. There is a significant improvement in post intervention II mean scores of knowledge in experimental group than the control group [ t = 11.07, Plt0.05]. The present study findings concluded that, video assisted teaching, risk reduction counseling and skill building interventions are effective in improving knowledge regarding cancer cervix, health seeking and risk reduction behavior among women in selected rural areas of Sivaganga District. newline
Pagination: 505
Appears in Departments:Department of Nursing

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