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dc.coverage.spatialPublic Administration
dc.description.abstractThe present study deals with the policy framework and administrative aspect of disaster management in Jammu and Kashmir. To comprehend the functioning of disaster management in India and in JandK, the Disaster Management Act, 2005, National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009, JandK State Disaster Management Policy 2017 and JandK State Disaster Management Plan, 2017 were studied. The organizational structure and functions of Statutory Authorities constituted under the Disaster Management Act, 2005 were studied with respect to JandK. The role of stakeholders (Local Bodies, NGOs/CBOs, Media, Police and Armed Forces) was also studied. The study is based on primary and secondary data. The study revealed that there is a gap between the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and its implementation in JandK. The Act is not understood in its true spirit as it is poorly implemented due to lack of human and financial resources. Poor coordination, communication and attitudinal problems of Disaster Management Officials adversely affected the implementation of the Act. There is a lack of people s participation and stakeholders in policy making and implementation. Potential of Local Government, civil society and media was also not tapped. The role of armed forces and police in relief operations is admirable but lack of specific training, specialized personnel and equipments hampers their role in disaster management. Effective disaster management needs holistic policy, institutional mechanism, coordination, involvement of civil society, Local Government and their well defined role in disaster management. Awareness among people and training to the communities in disaster management is a prime need to deal with the disasters in the State. Disaster Management in JandK can be made more efficient by effectively utilizing the ICTs applications; early warning system, vulnerability assessment and risk mapping; judicious utilizations of funds; improving coordination between Authorities and stakeholders; and linking disaster management with sustainable development.
dc.format.extentxxvi, 272p.
dc.titleDisaster management in India a case study of Jammu and Kashmir
dc.creator.researcherKaul, Isha
dc.subject.keywordAdministrative Aspect
dc.subject.keywordCommunity Involvement
dc.subject.keywordDisaster Management
dc.subject.keywordPolice Framework
dc.subject.keywordStakeholders Participation
dc.description.noteBibliography 254-272p. Annexure i-lxvp.
dc.contributor.guideNemi Chand
dc.publisher.universityPanjab University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Public Administration
Appears in Departments:Department of Public Administration

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