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Title: A study on non linear fuzzy differential equations in biological models
Researcher: Saravanakumar, S
Guide(s): Sridevi, B
Keywords: Life Sciences
Biology and Biochemistry
Biochemical Research Methods
differential equations
Nonlinear optics
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Mathematical biology is the most interesting contemporary application of mathematics that is fast growing and well recognized in the field of medical and chemical sciences. As biology becomes more quantitative, growing use of mathematics in biology is inevitable. Several biological phenomena can be formulated as a mathematical model by using systems of ordinary or partial differential equations. Due to insufficient information about the behaviour of the system and occurrence of calculation errors, in the biological models, the ordinary and partial differential equations representing the model faces deviation in the final solution. To overcome this practical issue and to fine-tune the solutions, Fuzzy Differential Equations (FDEs) have been used as a powerful tool to model the biological systems. Moreover, the FDEs are widely applied in modelling population as well as problems in mathematical biology and human diseases. newline
Pagination: xxii, 123p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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