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Title: Valorization of recycled waste materials in development of hybrid fiber reinforced self compacting concrete
Researcher: Mahakavi, P
Guide(s): Chitra, R
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
Self Compacting Concrete
Construction materials
Hybrid fiber
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: In the recent years, the high demand of construction materials has lead to excessive mining of river sand, thereby causing its depletion and has added to global warming. Residue sand from foundry industries, quarry waste from crushing of rocks into fine aggregate, recycling of waste from construction industries, Silica fume from producing silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloy industries, etc., consistently leave considerable volumes of environmental and disposal problems. The use of recycled aggregate to replace coarse aggregate in concrete was initially based on consideration of availability of natural resources and good characteristics of Construction and Demolition waste (CandD waste). Foundry sand from foundry industries fits the properties of fine aggregate. And also Manufactured sand (M-sand) is the by-products of quarries, which compatible for the properties of fine aggregate. Silica fume has better cementitious properties. Moreover, silica fume is used in making of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) as its fineness fills the voids in concrete which increases the unit weight and density of the concrete. newline
Pagination: xxxi, 237p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Civil Engineering

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