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Title: A new method on cascaded multilevel inverter for thd minimization
Researcher: Lakshmi khandan, K
Guide(s): Andy Srinivasan
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
Multilevel inverter
Power converters
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: This research work presents an analysis of Multilevel Inverter for Industry and used in several applications. Nowadays multilevel inverters are gaining popularity due to reduced voltage stress and low Total Harmonic Distortion output voltage waveform. DC-AC converters are widely used in several applications; traditionally, they can be classified into two types namely the Voltage Source Inverter and the Current Source Inverter. Their use depends on their application but some of them are common for both types of converters. Another possibility for the DC-AC conversion is the multilevel configuration and the most analyzed are Voltage Source Inverter. In this work, a different Multilevel Current Source Inverter has been proposed with the parallel configuration. One is a new concept of H-bridge based parallel Current Source Inverter with five, seven and nine-level inverters are used for grid application. Another is a circuit configuration of Multilevel Current Source Inverter with single rating inductor topology for symmetrical and asymmetrical topology. newline
Pagination: xviii, 115p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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