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dc.coverage.spatialEnergy aware intelligent cluster based secure routing techniques for wireless sensor networks based IoT
dc.description.abstractWireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of very tiny sensing devices named sensor nodes that are having low battery power, less computational capability and limited amount of storage. The major design challenges in the reliable data collection and delivery in sensor networks include energy efficiency, satisfying the quality of service requirement and security. Sensor networks designed to work with Internet of Things (IoT) is a new computing environment that uses WSN for data gathering, data transmissionthrough routing and provides a platform for multi device communication. Moreover, a sensor network based IoT consists of features from sensor networks, sensing devices and internetworking devices and software for effective data collection and routing to the base station. Cluster based routing is an important approach used in WSN for increasing the energy efficiency in the routing process through the proposal of efficient routing algorithms. In addition, intelligent techniques including fuzzy rules, temporal constraints and classification using deep learning can be used to improve the performance of clustering and cluster based routing protocols. Hence, the design of cluster based routing algorithms is an important design issue that is to be considered for the secured transmission of data packets from the source node to sink node. Clustering provides a facility to select a cluster head and to route the packets through the cluster heads. newline
dc.format.extentxx, 190p.
dc.titleEnergy aware intelligent cluster based secure routing techniques for wireless sensor networks based IoT
dc.creator.researcherThangaramya K
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science
dc.subject.keywordSecure Routing Techniques
dc.subject.keywordWireless Sensor Networks
dc.subject.keywordInternet of Things
dc.subject.keywordIntelligent Cluster
dc.contributor.guideKulothungan K and Indira Gandhi S
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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