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Title: Estimation and reduction of artifacts in CT images
Researcher: Mohan S B
Guide(s): Raghavendiran T A and Rajavel R
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Computer Science
Imaging Science and Photographic Technology
Image Processing
CT Images
Artifacts in CT Images
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: JUNE 2020 newlineImage processing plays an important role in various fields such as newlinemachine vision, remote sensing, medical applications etc. The developments newlinein image acquisition system such as scanner, processor and scanning newlinefrequency provides effective assessment and measurement. The developments newlinein image acquisition lead to noise and artifacts in medical image. The noise newlineand artifacts are to be reduced in medical images for effective diagnosis and newlinetreatment. In medical applications, the major requirement is to treat the patient newlinewithout any side effects, which could happen only after proper diagnosis of newlinedisease. The medical imaging equipments are X-rays, Ultrasound, Computer newlineTomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). From the above newlineequipments, CT image provides the more clarity of the human organs. The CT newlineimages do not superimpose on the neighboring objects and provides the newlinedetails of internal organs, soft tissues and blood vessels. The image from CT newlinemachine is likely to be noiseless due to the inbuilt software in the equipment. newlineHowever, the continuous working of the CT machines result artifacts in the newlineacquired image. The artifacts in CT image are Gaussian and Poisson, which is newlinecaused by various categories such as Physics based, Patient based, Scanner newlinebased, Helical based and Multi-section based. From the above categories, newline newline
Pagination: xviii, 148p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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