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dc.coverage.spatialEnhanced clone and jamming attack detection and prevention mechanisms for wireless sensor networks
dc.description.abstractThe Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) of the near future consists of newlinehundreds of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or robots. These networked newlinesensors play strong roles in military and civilian operations. WSNs are newlinevulnerable to security attacks because nodes are often placed in a hostile or newlinedangerous environment where they are not physically protected. In clone or node replica attack, an attacker physically captures any of the honest nodes and then replicates them with similar node id. Thus it establishes plenty of cloned nodes in the entire network. Since the cloned node contains the same id of an honest node, it obtains all the secret newlineparameters of the compromised node and produces lot of destruction to the newlinenetwork performance. The clone detection approaches developed for static newlineWSNs, do not work when the nodes are expected to move as in mobile newlineWSNs, and thus they have turned out to be ineffective for Mobile Wireless newlineSensor Networks (MWSN). Jamming attack occurs at both physical and MAC newlinelayers of WSN. This attack degrades the performance of the network by newlineunnecessarily wasting the limited resources of the network. In this thesis work, three approaches namely Witness Based Clone and Jamming Attack Detection (WBCJAD), Enhanced Clone Detection using Channel Response Information (ECDCRI), and Distributed Clone Attack Detection Algorithm using Mobility Prediction (DCDMP) are proposed. newline newline
dc.format.extentxviii, 133p.
dc.titleEnhanced clone and jamming attack detection and prevention mechanisms for wireless sensor networks
dc.creator.researcherJeyaselvi M
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordComputer Science
dc.subject.keywordAttack Detection
dc.subject.keywordPrevention Mechanisms
dc.subject.keywordWireless Sensor Networks
dc.contributor.guideJayakumar C
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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