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Title: Efficient web service selection and long term composition for improved qos in multi user groups
Researcher: Kirubanantham, P
Guide(s): Vijayakumar, G
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Computer Science
Computer Science Software Engineering
Web service
Improved qos
Internet technology
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The development of Internet technology has induced the growth of Service Oriented Architecture in recent times. The arrival of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) enables the organizational users to access various services independent of their location. The web services are designed to perform dedicated tasks but faces several challenges in achieving Quality of Service (QoS) of the system. There are many long term composition techniques described by different researchers which consider different factors, but suffer to achieve higher performance. For example, the popularity based composition techniques selects the services based on the popularity but does not produce expected performance at run time. Similarly, the frequency basedapproaches selects the service based on the frequency of services being accessed. However, all the methods struggle to achieve the expected performance in QoS constraints. All these encourages the design of novel approaches in long term composition of web services. newline
Pagination: xviii, 174p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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