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Title: Essence of Periyarism Is Modernization of Dravidians
Researcher: Deiva Akandan Paraman, K I N
Guide(s): Jayakumar, D
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
Arts and Recreation
Humanities Multidisciplinary
University: Periyar Maniammai University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: Periyar E.V. Ramasami has been fondly and reverently called Thanthai Periyar by his followers and grateful Dravidians. All his thoughts on various subjects are called Periyarism. newlineHe started Self-Respect movement to fight for equality and enlightment of the Dravidians. During the course of his struggle he had to face the wrath and opposition of Aryans, or Brahmins as they are popularly known, since they did not want to give up their higher status given by Varnashrama Dharma of their Religion, Hinduism which placed them above all Indians and the God. Varnashrama Dharma not only refused equality for the Dravidians but also denied all Human rights like education, income, property, freedom, family life etc. newlineThis struggle between Periyar E.V.R and Brahmins appeared as Social Reform on the surface level. So, most of the Researches on Periyar showcased him as a serious Social Reformer, Hero of untouchables, warrior of workers, vanquisher of Varnashrama Dharma, Honest Humanist, Guardian Angel of Communal Reservation, fighter for feminist liberation, First Tamil Nationalist, Reformer of Tamil Language and Literature, Opposer of Hindi imposition, foe for Brahminocracy and Brahmin Imperialism and a rare Rationalist against all superstitions. newlineThis Research accepts all the above findings of previous Researches on Periyar, only as means to reach the end goal of modernization of Dravidians. Modernization of Dravidians was the main goal of Periyar E.V.R., which was needed to stabilize the Dravidians in the fast changing modern age. newlineThis Research traces the history of humanity very briefly from pre historic to modern Age and focus more extensively on all the features of modern age and compares the features of Periyarism and Modernism to defend the Hypothesis that Periyarism is modernization of Dravidians. newlineThe contribution of this Research is new, original and contributes to the real understanding of Periyarism which will help to erase any iota of ill-will, hatred and enemity between Dravidians and Aryans.
Appears in Departments:Centre for Periyar thought

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18 list of publications.pdf148.07 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
19 curriculum vitae.pdf89.87 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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7 list of tables & figures.pdf55.04 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
80_recommendation.pdf105.24 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
8 list of abbreviations.pdf80.77 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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