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Title: Influence of Socio Environmental Factors on Emotional Intelligence of Higher Secondary Students
Researcher: Souza Tony, D
Guide(s): Mohanasundaram, K
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
Arts and Recreation
Humanities Multidisciplinary
University: Periyar Maniammai University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Emotional intelligence is not built in a day it is continuously being shaped by one s family, society, gender, economic condition which modifies the way one thinks and maintains relationship with others. An increasing concern towards emotional intelligence of the adolescents is important as India has the highest suicide rate in the South-East Asian region, according to the World Health Organization s latest report. Hence, this research study is intended to examine the status of emotional intelligence among adolescents in relation to certain demographic variables. A descriptive survey was taken to identify the influence of socio-environmental factors on the emotional intelligence of the higher secondary students. a sample of 500 higher secondary of Thanjavur district were selected through cluster random sampling method. Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (EIQ) (2003) constructed and standardized by Gerald miller and Socio-Environmental Scale (SES) (1993) constructed and standardized by Bhatia and Chadha were used in the study. newlineThe findings show a significant influence of socio - environmental factors on the emotional intelligence of the higher secondary students. On considering the demographic variables school variables such as type and management of school show a significant difference on socio-environmental factors of the students. The age of the respondents, number of siblings, nature of school and type of groups in higher secondary show a significant difference in the emotional intelligence of the higher secondary students. The findings are discussed with relevance to educational implications and recommendations for policy decisions. Suggestions for further research are also on the light of the short comings of the current research.
Appears in Departments:Department of Education

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