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Title: Certain investigations on the performance analysis of mimo receiver algorithms for wireless channel
Researcher: Kasiselvanathan, M
Guide(s): Sathishkumar , N
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
Engineering and Technology
Wireless communication system
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: Wireless communication system utilizing Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) with large amount of antennas has gained lot of research interest. Large MIMO system is considered for its ability to attain extreme diversity gain and high spectral efficiencies. But the detection at large MIMO receiver is a significant challenge because of its complexity. The foremost concentration on this thesis is to study and analyze MIMO receiver performance for wireless channel that can attain enhanced Bit Error Rate (BER) performance with decreased computational complexity to facilitate practical applications under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. Simulation tool utilized is MATLAB Communication tool box R2013a. newline
Pagination: xxiv, 136p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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