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Title: Identification of plant diseases through leaves using indices of the histogram intensity based segmentation and modified surf pattern matching techniques
Researcher: Kalaivani, S
Guide(s): Shantharajah, S P
Keywords: Life Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Engineering
Plant diseases
Leaf diseases
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Agriculture plays essential role in everyday life. While cultivating the crop, the farmers face many challenges in terms of environmental change, labor cost and plant diseases. It is possible to develop the crop production and farmerand#8223;s income by reducing the technological gap in agriculture industry and by implementing scientific advancement in this agriculture industry. Sometimes, wrong prediction of disease may lead to improper use of pests and it may cause environmental pollution such as soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution. This work helps to farmers for diagnosis of the leaf disease at earlier stage. Based on the prediction farmers can apply appropriate fertilizer to the farm. In this work, the leaves of cotton, cucumber, tomato, grapes and solanum nigram were taken for the study. By means of various reasons the plant gets affected by diseases. It may affect stem, root, leaf, flowers and its fruits. This study work based on the leaf diseases such as early blight, late blight, downy mildew, pierceand#8223;s leaf diseases, rust and assorted foliar were taken as input image for this work. newline
Pagination: xxv, 155p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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