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Title: Identification and standardization of counsellor competencies for masters level counsellor education programs in india
Researcher: Thomas, Elizabeth
Guide(s): George, Tony Sam
Keywords: Competency,
Philosophy and Psychology
Social Sciences
University: CHRIST University
Completed Date: 2016
Abstract: Counselling psychology programs in India have been criticized for being poor replicas of newlineconcepts that have originated in western cultures . The lack of Indian models has been quoted as a drawback indicating that trainees are not necessarily competent to provide effective counselling services. The present study aimed at identifying and standardizing competencies for post graduate counsellor training in India based on local needs.The study employed a mixed methods design with four phases. In the first phase, a list of key occupational tasks were drawn up through a systematic review of literature and interviews with three expert practitioners. The second phase was the development of a counsellor competency list which outlined the various competencies required to fulfil the key occupational tasks determined in the previous stage. Seventy one competencies were identified and the list was then given for newlineexpert validation. In the third phase, the competency list was given to 75 practicing newlinecounsellors across India who rated the competencies on a 5-point likert scale, based on its importance for post graduate counsellor trainees. In the final stage the prioritized competencies were analyzed using a concept development approach to identify core competencies required for master level counselling psychology trainees. The resulting core competencies were three foundational competency domains which included ethical practice, personal and professional development and cultural sensitivity. There were also three newlinefunctional competency domains which included the counselling process, the supervision newlineprocess and the promotion of counselling in India. Specific competencies under each domain were also listed along with behavioral indicators for the same. Thus the core competencies that counsellor trainees must develop to provide an effective service were identified and this has implications for training and practice. newline
Pagination: xi, 128p.;
Appears in Departments:Department of Psychology

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