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Title: Studies on the degradation of phenolic compounds by a moderately halophilic bacterial consortium
Researcher: Veena gayathri K
Guide(s): Vasudevan N
Keywords: halophilic
phenolic compounds
science and humanities
Upload Date: 10-Feb-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2010
Abstract: Saline and hypersaline environments are frequently contaminated newlinewith organic compounds as a result of industrial activities One such organic newlineinputs of saline environment are phenolic compounds Phenol is released into newlinethe saline environment from industrial discharges from coal refining newlinepetroleum refining phenol manufacturing pharmaceuticals and oilspills newlinePhenolic compounds contamination results from uncontrolled releases from newlinemanufacturing and refining installations spillages during transportation newlinedirect discharges from effluent treatment plants and runoff from terrestrial newlinesources newline
Pagination: xxiii, 235p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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