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Title: Optimization of magneto rheological fluid assisted cylindrical surface finishing parameters for machining AISI304L austenitic stainless steel
Researcher: Anandan K
Guide(s): Suresh Prabhu P and Rahamathullah I
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
Austenitic Stainless Steel
Magneto Rheological Fluid
Nano Finishing
Stainless Steel
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: In recent years, high precision finishing technologies have grown rapidly and more compact on the development of a new product with fine surface finish quality at the nanoscale level is necessary to increase their life and performance. A specific need for advanced finishing processes is to achieve nano level finishing without any surface defects with the help of a flexible finishing tool. Most of the researchers concentrate on the development of the nano-finishing of internal geometers and hard materials. In our present work, the Magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing process was developed for superfinishing the external cylindrical surfaces in which magnetorheological polishing fluid is used as the medium. A typical MR fluid used in this study was synthesized with volume concentration of base fluid medium 40% as silicon oil, carbonyl iron powder newline40% (average particle size 2 microns), silicon carbide (SiC) of mesh size 400 and fumed silica (Aerosol 200) nano-powder has been used to an amount of 1% CIP of volume. The MR fluid exhibits a change in rheological properties under the application of an external magnetic field during the on-state condition. The rotating type of carrier wheel made up of aluminum alloy in which the synthesized MR fluid is used. A new finishing tool with the curved surface has been made to perform finishing operation on an external cylindrical surface. Due to this magnetic field, CIPS and non-magnetic abrasive particle wheel remove the material from the surface being finished. However, the present work performance of MR fluid with magnetic field strength improves the stiffness of the abrasives. newline newline
Pagination: xxii, 184p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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