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Title: An Investigation on Interference in D2D networks coexistence with CDMA OFDMA cellular networks and extenuation of interference using TCM TH precoding beamforming and reconfigurable antenna
Researcher: Dhilip Kumar S
Guide(s): Arunachalaperumal C
Keywords: Computer Science
D2D Networks
CDMA Cellular Networks
Engineering and Technology
Cellular Networks
Beamforming Antenna
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The proliferation of wireless devices is unprecedented in recent years and newlinethe predicted increase in coming years also reaching unimaginable heights. As newlineper CISCO VNI global mobile data forecast, the mobile data traffic grew over newline71 percent every year, reaching over 138 Exabytes. By 2022, global mobile data newlinetraffic will be over 77 Exabytes per month. These results are not only due to the newlineincreased number of devices but also because of data-hungry multimedia newlineapplications. D2D communication is one of the guaranteed paradigms that can newlineprovide a solution for the growing data demands. In general, it provides direct newlinecommunication between the proximity devices without involving the network newlinecontroller. D2D communication can provide high capacity, data rate, reliability newlineand improved spectral efficiency with reduced delay. It can be an integral part of newlineMIMO systems. Unlike Bluetooth and WIFI, D2D can be designed to operate in newlinelicensed bandwidth. Though, in a scenario when the wireless devices are newlinedistributed densely and able to connect themselves on need may induce other newlineissues such as interference. Another significant, complex design required to newlineaddress is how those devices are going to share the available resources such as newlinespectrum and power. The performance of the wireless system greatly depends on interference mitigation in the network. From equalisation, precoding to beamforming interference in wireless channels has been addressed by researchers. Interference analysis in D2D communication involves analysis of interference between D2D users and conventional cellular communication systems as discussed by Asadi et al. (2014). newline newline
Pagination: xxii, 130p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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