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Title: Hybrid fuzzy based intrusion detection System to prevent Denial of service DOS attacks using authentication Technique in wireless local area Networks
Researcher: Moorthy M
Guide(s): Sathiyabama S
Keywords: Denial of Service
local area networks
Upload Date: 10-Feb-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/10/2014
Abstract: The need for developing a hybrid intrusion detection system has newlinebecome an essential part in implementing the security for a network Today s newlinenetwork suffers from many different types of sophisticated attacks both in newlinewired and wireless Since wireless network uses air as the medium to transmit newlinedata it is vulnerable to many different types of attacks Among the attacks newlinewhich target wireless local area networks Denial of Service is the one which newlinecan easily be invoked but very difficult to prevent Thus in this research it is newlineproposed to design a hybrid intrusion detection system using fuzzy logic and newlineimplement an authentication mechanism to prevent Denial of Service attacks newlinein wireless local area networks newlineThe drawback of the anomaly based intrusion detection in a newlinewireless network is the high rate of false positive By designing a hybrid newlineintrusion detection system this can be solved by connecting a misuse newlinedetection module to the anomaly detection module In this work it is newlineproposed to develop a hybrid intrusion detection system for wireless local newlinearea networks based on Fuzzy logic newline newline
Pagination: xvii, 174p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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