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dc.coverage.spatialInvestigation of interface between structural constructs and ease reduction treatments for cling fit garments
dc.description.abstractStretch to fit garments or cling fit does not exert pressure on body to take up a particular shape for the figure rather clings to the body contours. Unlike the other outer wear garments, in cling fit garments the ease allowance is subtracted from the original pattern dimensions proportional to the desired tight fit requirements and accommodative of primary body movements. Hence to ensure Optimum performance of cling fit functionality, it is essential to interpret the fabric stretch potential, determine the ease decrement amount administered on stretch block pattern through certain stretch reduction percentage and distribute the ease decrement across the stretch pattern without affecting its original geometry profile. In fact the direction of stretch in garments has a significant effort on comfort, fit and performance. Many researchers have evolved different methods of ease reduction for stretch block pattern construction with reference to the fabric stretch potential. And ever since the advent of 3D scanning of human body and direct pattern making methods using this 3D information, there has been significant progress in representing the various distinctive constructs that shape the human body measurements and the corresponding form it takes. Thus we have a greater demand for understanding the structural constructs of human body with reference to fit attributes. Hence to decipher the complex relationship between seamless human body surface profile and pattern geometry profile under cling fit conditions, the research study focuses on observing the garmentand#8223;s strain behaviour across these structural constructs and undermine its relevance to fit attributes. For effective investigation of interface between structural constructs and ease reduction treatments for cling fit garments, protocols for recording the strain newline
dc.titleInvestigation of interface between structural constructs and ease reduction treatments for cling fit garments
dc.creator.researcherNithyaprakash V
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordNuclear Science and Technology
dc.subject.keywordFit garments
dc.subject.keywordCling fit garments
dc.contributor.guideSaravanan D
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Technology
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Technology

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