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Title: Corpus Based Approach an Analytical Study of Grammar and Usage in the Academic Writing of ESI Students
Researcher: Bhargavi S
Guide(s): Anbazhagan K
Keywords: Environmental Studies
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: SRM University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of corpus-based approach on newlinethe usage of grammar in academic writing of ESL students. The Natural Language Toolkit newlinein computational linguistics uses the Python package for natural language processing to newlinesupport research, teaching and learning processes. Despite the availability of many wordprocessing newlinesystems, the NLTK tools have been improvised and the linguistics data newlinestructures have been simplified for error detection and diagnosis with the recent newlineadvancements in the Python language. This study discusses the NLTK tool specifically newlinedesigned for the learners of English as second language and details the developed tool, its newlineapplication and assessment with the development of a grammar error labeling system newlineusing part of speech tagging (POS tagging). The research shows the feasibility and newlineeffectiveness of this method on the corpus of students essays newline
Appears in Departments:Department of English

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