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Title: Estimating plant macronutrients using vnir fabricated spectroradiometry
Researcher: Balamurugan, M
Guide(s): Jayalakshmi S
Keywords: vnir fabricated spectroradiometry
Plant macronutrients
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: newline India is a largest agriculture country in the world. The 60% of people mainly depends on the agriculture sectors. However, agriculture is steadily reduced due to different environmental conditions like drought, flood and water scarcity. The farmers frequently cultivating specified crop without considering the soil characteristics. After harvesting it is important to maintain the soil property by adding the organic natural fertilizers. The farmers blindly take the suggested manures from the shopkeepers which often leads to under/ over fertilization, thereby affecting the growth and yield of the crop. The inorganic fertilizer is treated with respect to the area of cultivation but not based on the soil characteristics. Henceforth the normal yield cannot be accomplished by the farmers and financially the farmers get stress and commit suicide. The farmers are not worried about the soil testing in absence of knowledge and high cost. It is imperative to apply right proportion of manure for which the soil test need to be taken before cultivation. The required amount of nutrient for plant can be evaluated by chemical investigation under research laboratory condition newline newline
Pagination: xix,127 p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Civil Engineering

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