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Title: Certain investigations on secondary impedance control of induction motor using artificial intelligent controllers
Researcher: Mohandass, M P
Guide(s): Manoharan, S
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
Artificial intelligent
Secondary impedance control
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Induction motor plays a vital role in domestic appliances and most of the industrial Equipment which consumes around 40% to 60% of the electricity generated. Induction motors utilized in industrial and domestic equipment are the major load to the grid. Hence, a small improvement in a Power Factor (PF) of induction motor results in a massive improvement in the performance of the grid. Enhancement in the Power Factor of the motor reduces its current consumption from the grid and reduces the copper loss not only in a motor, and also in a power line. In general, a capacitor is connected with a circuit or a machine for Power Factor improvement, whereas a permanent high capacitor with a motor for power factor improvement may cause additional losses. This can be overcome by the Secondary Impedance Control of an induction motor. Secondary Impedance Control (SIC) is an electronic switching method that efficiently controls the value of the used capacitor in a motor to improve power factor with minimum losses. Among the various types of induction motors Single Phase Capacitor Start-Capacitor Run (CSCR) induction motor and Three Phase Wound Rotor Induction Motor (WRIM) are considered in this analysis. In a Single Phase Capacitor Start-Capacitor Run Induction Motor to control effective capacitance connected in a stator, various controllers such as Proportional Integral (PI) controller, Fuzzy Gain Scheduling (FGS) controller and Novel Enhanced Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller (EELBIC) is proposed as the Secondary Impedance Controller. The effectiveness of the Secondary Impedance Controller is being analyzed in the aspects of Power Factor, Current, Torque, Speed and Total Harmonic Distortion. Enhanced performance of the proposed system is also discussed in the point of reduction in energy loss and saving of costThe efficient Enhanced Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller is validated from the analysis of the Single Phase Capacitor StartCapacitor Run Induction Motor is proposed to control the Secondary
Pagination: xx,125 p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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