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Title: Interfacing Emotional Intelligence and Consumer Decision Making in Online Shopping A Study in Selected Indian Cities
Researcher: Joshi Mihir
Guide(s): Vinod Kumar Singh
Keywords: Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: newlineInterpersonal Intelligence as given by Gardner (1993) is the ability to interpret others (seller to newlineconsumer and vice versa) and working on that interpretation whereas Intrapersonal Intelligence newlinemeans to interpret oneself that is what choice to make, what is important for the inner self and newlinemake a hierarchy of self needs (Maslow, 1943). The elemental structuring of the term EI newlinehappened with the empirical evidences to measure the EI (Salovey and Mayer, 1990; Bar-On, newline1997) but was publicized by Goleman (1995). EI is also stated to be the ability to deal with newlinedifferent situations in multiple environments (Bar-On, 2002). newlineThe conceptualization of Emotional Intelligence lie in the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests, SAT newlineor CAT etc but as per Goleman (1995) this term has a deeper meaning. The Goleman mix newlinemodel of Emotional Intelligence (1995) suggests that the emotional ability can be improvised newlineby training and skill enhancement (Kidwell, Hasford, and Hardesty, 2015). It is a significant newlinepredictor of academic success while being unrelated to the age or gender (Nasir and Masrur, newline2010) and can help to reduce effects of emotional exhaustion (Bande, Fernandez-ferrin, Varela, newlineand Jaramillo, 2015).
Pagination: 110
Appears in Departments:Department of Management Studies

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