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Title: An efficient novel secured symmetric key multiple color image encryption and compression scheme
Researcher: Sundara Krishnan, K
Guide(s): Jaison, B
Keywords: Online communication
Digital image
Data encryption
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The swift development in the modern digital worldand#8223;s high speed network and communication infrastructure facilitates online communication easy and fast. Many fields such as telemedicine, weather monitoring, defence surveillance, social media etc., use this facility for real time communication. These applications cause vast amounts of digital image data transmission over unsecure public Internet. Images often contain confidential and sensitive information. Transmission of confidential images over unsecure public Internet is risky. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the safety of these digital images in order to stop information leakage. In this regard two main challenges need to be addressed; the confidentiality of sensitive and secret images and their redundancy in the images. Image encryption is the best way to address the first issue that is ensuring image security. To address the second issue, compression is used. To solve these multimedia image communication problems, two color image encryption algorithms and a joint color image compression-encryption algorithm are presented in this thesis. These algorithms are based on cellular automata, chaos and compressive sampling. In contrast with text-data, images are usually larger in size and have high correlation among pixels which permit data loss. Due to this distinct nature of images conventional ciphers such as Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standard are poorly suitable for image encryption. The basic notion of traditional sampling and compression is based on the Shannon-Nyquist sampling principle, which tells that if the signal is sampled at twice the highest frequency in the signal then the signal can be perfectly reconstructed. This paradigm creates a lot of pressure on building the sampling array. newline
Pagination: xviii,149p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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