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Title: Gait kinematics a predictor for lower limb injury among sportsperson
Researcher: Gogoi, Hemantajit
Guide(s): Rajpoot, Yajuvendra Singh
Keywords: Gait Kinematics, Lower Limb Injury, Injury Prediction, and Injury Prediction Model.
University: Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: A sports injury can be simply defined as the injuries which are associated with exercise and newlinesports activities. The majority of sports injuries are sport-specific and varied on level of newlineparticipation. The serious injuries need medical attention and specialized treatment on the other newlinehand the minor injuries may be diagnosed with simple rest and home care. Some experts have newlineclassified injuries based on the affected body region and some have classified them based on events newlineand associated symptoms. The most popular form of physical activity, Running possesses the newlinehigh possibility of musculoskeletal injuries and more than half of those injuries are identified as newlineoveruse injuries, with the most affected areas being the lower limb, including knee, ankle, and newlinelower leg. There are several factors responsible for the development of running-related injuries. newlineAccording to previous studies, the majority of running-related injuries exhibits evidence of direct newlinerelationships with lower-limb gait kinematics. However, there have been few studies aiming at newlinepredicting running-related injuries based on gait kinematics. Therefore, the present study aimed to newlinedevelop a predictive model to predict lower limb sports injuries of sportsperson using gait newlinekinematics so that they can be precautioned and can be saved from suffering from future injuries newlineusing appropriate preventive measures. The study was conducted on purposively selected seventyfive newline(N=75) male subjects while all procedures for data collection were followed as per the decision newlineand instruction of the departmental research committee of the institute.
Pagination: XXII, 170 pages
Appears in Departments:Department of Physical Education

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