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Title: Impact of it on Bank Performance and Customer Satisfaction A Comparative Study of Public Private and Foreign Sector Banks
Researcher: Sharma, Rakhi
Guide(s): Mittal, Ajit and Kalra, Rosy
Keywords: Banks and banking
Customer services
Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Amity University, Noida
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Now days, customer requires various E-Channel Customer expect more reliable, faster, easier, efficient and most important user-friendly services from their banks .There are various E-channel like ATM, I-banking, Mobile Banking are offered by the banks for their customers convenience .In my research I took only two most popular e-channels i.e; ATM and I-banking for study in Sahibabad area. Present study examines the comparative study of the impact of IT (i.e. ATM and internet banking) on customer satisfaction in public, private and foreign sector banks in Sahibabad during October 2012 to October 2019. This study was also aimed at exploring the impact of demographics on the usage of ATM and I-banking services in public, private and foreign sector banks. This study was also tried to explain the various problems and suggestions while using e-channels services. Literature Review helped in identification of gap like absence of any comparative studyfor ATMand I-banking Services in Public, Private and Foreign sector banks.In this study quantitative research approach is followed.In this study, a sample of 399 respondents from Sahibabad region has been taken by using the convenience sampling method.Two banks from eachPublic, Private and Foreign sector bank were taken into consideration for study as a sampling unit. The Public bank which was used for study is Punjab National Bank and State Bank of India. The Private bank which was used for study is HDFC and AXIS Bank. The Foreign Bank which were used for study is CITI Bank and HSBC.The study has used the primary data of customer satisfaction survey (N = 399) where foreign bank respondents are 49, private bank respondents are 150 and public bank respondents are 200. Both public and private sector bank is required to put more emphasis on security/privacy dimension for I-banking services as compared to foreign sector bank. newline
Appears in Departments:Amity Business School

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