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dc.coverage.spatialCertain investigations on medical image security using fuzzy logic and dual tree complex wavelet transform
dc.description.abstractSteganography plays an important role in securing the images from hackers and intruders. Today, large amount of multimedia data such as images, videos and audios are shared in social media due to the abrupt development of the internet. This needs high level of security for protecting the valuable data during their transmission and reception. In hospitals and scan centres, there are huge numbers of images of the patients stored in personal computer during patient scanning process. This would require security from the unknown persons by seeing the scanned images of the patients. Hence, medical image security plays a crucial role in hospitals and scan centres around the world. The security level of the medical images in hospitals and scan centres are increased by steganography technique. In this research work, an efficient edge based steganography algorithm is proposed using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy rules are constructed which are used to detect the edges in both cover and secret image. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is applied on the edge detected cover and secret image. The weak edge coefficients in cover image are overlaid by the coefficients of the secret image. The performance of the proposed steganography technique is analyzed in terms of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The secret medical image is embedded into cover image to achieve high security for the medical images. Initially, both cover and secret images are normalized. newline
dc.titleCertain investigations on medical image security using fuzzy logic and dual tree complex wavelet transform
dc.creator.researcherYuvaraja, T
dc.subject.keywordMedical image
dc.subject.keywordFuzzy logic
dc.contributor.guideSabeenian, R S
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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