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Title: Studies on existence of solutions for fractional differential equations with impulsive or non local conditions
Researcher: Punitha M
Guide(s): Santha A
Keywords: Physical Sciences
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: This thesis is devoted to the study of the existence of solutions for various kinds of non-integer order in Banach spaces. Existence of mixed fractional integro differential and neutral equations with impulsive and nonlocal conditions are established. Also, a new set of sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions for fractional neutral impulsive sobolev type integro differential equations with non-local conditions is derived. Next, the existence results of fractional neutral differential equations with state dependent delay are discussed. The approach followed here is based on semigroup theory, fixed point technique. Results are analysed by generalization and continuation of the recent development connected with newlinethis research topic. newline newline
Pagination: ix,126p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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