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Title: Certain investigations on leveraging information technology for enhancing the diagnosis of cardiac diseases
Researcher: Mahesh V
Guide(s): Kandaswamy A
Keywords: cardiac diseases
enhancing the diagnosis
information and communication engineering
Upload Date: 6-Feb-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/12/2009
Abstract: The advances in information and communication technology and newlinethe availability of lowcost highperformance computing technology have newlineenhanced the role of computers in providing reliable fast and comprehensive newlinesolutions to cardiac disease diagnosis newlineHeart disease has become one of the most common diseases thataffect human beings worldwide Each year millions of people die of heart newlinediseases However early detection and timely treatment can prevent such newlineevents Hence the demand for quality cardiac care has thrown challenges to newlinethe field of biomedical engineering to devise reliable and faster techniques to newlineenhance the diagnosis of heart diseases This research work is yet another newlineattempt in this direction newline newline
Pagination: xxi, 155p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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