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Title: Effect of Mirabilis jalapa Linn on Reproductive System of Male and female Wistar Rats A Focus on Antifertility Efficacy
Researcher: Senthil Kumari C
Guide(s): Vaidhiyalingam V and Babu Thandapani A
Keywords: Antifertility Efficacy
Male and female Wistar Rats
Mirabilis jalapa Linn
Reproductive System
University: The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Completed Date: 2017
Abstract: Many Contraceptive Methods are used to control population growth and most widely used method is Oral Contraceptives. But this has serious side effect. In order to overcome this serious side effects there is a need of alternative medicines which has no or minimal side effects. One of this is a Traditional Medicine (there is an urgency to meet the requirement of safe and active natural contraceptive agents with minimal side effect). These herbal medicines are co-friendly and easily available and affordable even in rural areas. These herbs act both in males and females in different ways. In Females it prevents Ovulation, it prevent fertilization, implantation and also act as abortifacient. In Males, it prevent Spermatogenesis, reduce the sperm count and sperm motility, inhibit male hormones. Very few studies have been carried out to confirm the safety and efficacy of herbs used as Anti-fertility agents. Mirabilis jalapa Linn is used for Cytotoxic, Hypo-Glycaemic, Anti-Hyperlipodemia, antinociceptive, anti-Inflammatory, anti-histamine. But there is no scientific evidence for its Anti-Fertility Efficacy. The study were carried out by using Ethanolic Extract of Mirabilis jalappa Linn on male and female of Wistar rats. In female Wistar rats, it prevent Ovulation and Implantation and it shows 100% abortifacient activity and also it has reversible anti-fertility efficacy. In Anti-Fertility in male Wistar rats it reduces sperm count and sperm motility and also reduces hormonal level. So the plant mirabilis jalapa Linn act on both makes and females as Anti-fertility Efficacy. In the present study, it was concluded that Phyto-chemical analysis of acetone extract showed the presence of alkaloids and carbohydrates. Ethyl acetate extract showed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates and glycosides, petroleum ether extract showed the presence of alkaloids and ethanol extract showed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrate saponins, terpenes and tannin.
Pagination: 144
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmacy

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